It’s probably worth trying to define Adventure and what it means to me. I think it’s important in case you think you have started reading a young fit athletes blog about BASE jumping off El Cap drinking Red Bull and smoking weed.
You haven’t.
I am a middle aged father with a job and a mortgage. I like my life and don’t want to die, I try not to throw myself off buildings intentionally with any sort of regularity. I am not Bear Grylls, Ray Mears or Ranulph Fiennes, I am just a bloke going about life trying to inject as much fun and adventure in everything we do as a family.
For me adventure is so much more than extreme sports, it’s a mind set. Adventure is in everything we do everywhere we go, it’s about being bold, making decisions, sticking to your word and accepting challenges as they crop up.
I want my boys to grow up confident, strong and able to take the challenges of life firmly on the chin. For me adventurous spirit is more important than academics or grades, it isn’t about being able to drop into a vertical Couloir without hesitating, it is about accepting your weaknesses and playing to your strengths – How do you learn your strengths and weaknesses?? Adventure.
Don’t get me wrong Adventure can mean hardship, bravery and pushing the limits of safety, but more importantly it’s teaching each other about how to cope in situations that can come out nowhere, for example equipment preparation and husbandry is as important when you are embarking on a week long camping trip as it is when you are preparing for exams, job interviews and meetings.
So this is my version of Adventure, and I hope you enjoy it.