Not Me! This week alone Archie has had only a reasonably busy schedule, it has included:
- World Book Day
- A swimming Gala
- 3 x play dates
- Coronavirus
- Football (twice)
- Swim training
- Wild Things Yoga (What is that I hear you cry???)
- Hair cut
- Dentist
That is all outside of school time where Archie has also nailed down LEGO Club and Playball as his ECA’s. Firstly why the E?? Why are these considered as “Extra” these should be just “being at school”. Timetabled stuff, like maths (lets leave that for another day…)

Is this normal? Do all children have such an insatiable appetite to do stuff, or is it us as parents who have the appetite for not parenting? Didn’t we all get by with a trip to the local swimming pool twice a summer and the rest of the time was spent riding a bike and looking up Barbie’s Skirt. I wasn’t born in Victorian times, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a ‘woe is me’ post. I clearly had a lot more to do than our fathers pushing spoke-less wheels down cobbled streets for fun, I am not complaining. I’m just saying that I felt like my time was full, I don’t remember getting bored and I don’t remember needing 1,000 hours a week of planned, scheduled, diarised activity.
I am willing to accept my memory may be starting to fail me, a life time of wheat grass shots and pilates will do that to a man… but Archie’s calendar looks a little like Bill Gates’ schedule mapped out to 10 minute intervals. As if there wasn’t enough going on at one point this week Lexi and I very nearly took on a new dog, an awesome looking fella came up for rescue but we were pipped at the post by a slightly more charming and eligible family.

What is our problem!? Why do we feel there is a requirement to do so much, what is wrong with doing nothing and just chilling. The puppy would have been an amazing addition to the chaos, we live in hope for another chance, but sometimes isn’t it ok to be calm and quiet?
This weekend we are heading to the desert for a camping trip with a huge team. Our biggest convoy yet, 12 vehicles charging through the dunes towards the Fyfe camp site. 75% of you read this before lunch on a Friday, so you should be able to head over to Insta and follow the convoy on our story. I will try and give you a live feed throughout the day where I can!!
When we get to camp we will be mainly doing nothing, staring at the view and taking a light breather and allowing ourselves a bit of time to do nothing and not have a schedule to keep. The only timing we will be trying to keep is to make it home before Sunday and to see how quickly we can drain our cool boxes.