I am going to give another recipe a go, and see how we get on. This one was cobbled together slightly chaotically, but was a good experiment in making Chicken Curry whilst camping.
Having fallen in love with my cast iron Camp Oven I have realised how lacking my kitchen equipment is, I am now on a mission to develop my camp kitchen, and to develop some proper recipes that make sense and are useable. This recipe whilst delicious lacks a bit of detail, so you need to use some creative licence to add your own take on this….
Serves 6 blokes
- Chuck a Spoon of curry powder, a spoon of Gara Masala powder, a spoon of ginger and a spoon of Garlic into a bowl or Tupperware and mix it all up. Add the Chicken and set it aside to marinade while you complete step 2.
- Heat up 50ml of oil, add the chopped onion in a heavy pan with a bit of Gara Masala and Curry powder. Soften the onions in the oil.
- Add the chicken and all the sauce into the pan skin side down. Brown it all off nicely. Remove and set it aside while you complete step 4
- Add a 50ml more oil, a spoon of garlic and Ginger and the lemon juice to a pan. Add the rice and Tomato sauce.
- Add the water and simmer for about 12 mins.
- Add the chicken back in and mix in Coriander
- Serve.
The problem with Googling a recipe in the supermarket is I rarely retain the details, so when I get home or in the case of this recipe the middle of bloody nowhere I’d forgotten which page I was looking at and exactly what the recipe said.
Despite having not packed all ingredients required I made the most delicious and particularly easy Chicken and Rice curry. The key was my larder was reasonably well stocked, so I was able to cobble things together, the recipe here is what I actually made with notes about what it should have been.
Mine was better than the original